Friday 6 March 2015

Monthly Weigh in and Food diary - February

Another food/weigh in update for you! Slow and steady is how I like to do it. I find the slower it comes off, the slower it goes back on, I'm not one for a 'quick fix' or a fad diet. This is a lifestyle change. A dripping tap still fills a bucket..

I found it quite hard to keep on top of my weekly food updates and I was kicking myself for forgetting to take photos of my food so I thought I would do a monthly summary with some of my favourite foods of the week. I started the month at 11 stone 7, where will it end...?

This month hasn't been very good but I want to post it anyway. Journey's aren't always in a straight line. See my last post for the first week of February here.

Week 4 -2.5lbs

I went into more detail about this week in my last post but I had a pretty good week and a great loss!

 Week 5 -2.5lbs

This week went really well despite me thinking I had eaten too much! 5lbs in 2 weeks is unheard of for me, I imagine I will gain next week. I was lucky enough to get some ‘body magic’ awards at Slimming world so I was chuffed. I batch cooked some quorn bolognaise which I ate a LOT of, but it was super yum. I have a feeling next week won’t go so well.. 9lbs to target.

Week 6  + 3.5lbs

Valentines week. I didn't have high expectations given the 3 course meal I prepared for me and my boyfriend but I tried to make up with it by going to the gym more this week. My boyfriend bought me a food processor so I have been making healthy snack balls (recipe here), falafel, hummus, cauliflower pizza, sweet potato brownies and all-sorts.

Week 7 -1.5lbs

I can't believe how bad I did last week! This week didn't start well either, with a meal out on the night of weigh in and cake the day after. I also don't have a car at the moment so I am struggling to get to the gym but I am walking a lot more. Favourite meal this week has to be the veggie fajitas! I also made a really nice chilli.

Total weight loss this month: -3lbs
Pounds to target: 11.


Tuesday 3 March 2015

Potato cakes with smoked salmon - Jamie Oliver Recipe

I recently featured a breakfast I had made, the Jamie Oliver Potato cakes with Smoked Salmon. I altered the recipe a little bit, but the original can be found here.

Salmon Potato Cakes with Scrambled Eggs

 This was such a nice breakfast, and with most of the preparation done the night before it was really simple to put together in the morning (and really delicious!). 

First I boiled the potatoes in salted water until they were nearly cooked. I then took them out and let them cool down before grating them into small pieces. 

Boiled Potatoes

  In a mixing bowl I combined the potatoes with some spring onions, a tablespoon of flour, pepper and a little bit of butter and mixed well to combine little balls. These were then put in the fridge overnight ready for me to continue in the morning.

The next day I heated my frying pan with frylight and gently fried the potato cakes for a couple of minutes on each side until they were warm throughout and a golden colour. Meanwhile I prepared my eggs. I would have loved to have used poached eggs but I can't for the life of me seem to make them (tips please!). Instead, I used scrambled.

Potato Cakes
I then topped the potato cakes with the eggs and then the smoked salmon. I think the original recipe had this the other way around but I like to break the rules! I think my potatoes were slightly overcooked so these were more like fish cakes without the fish but they were still delicious! And so easy, even for me!

Potato Cakes with Salmon and Scrambled Eggs

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