Monday 6 April 2015

Monthly Weigh in and Food diary - March

March's monthly food diaries if anyone is interested! I love logging everything for the month it's much easier than the weekly's. I've had a terrible month and I contemplated not even posting this but I'm gonna be real with you guys.

Week 8 +1lb

 Probably the busiest week of my life hah. Not only did I have a roast dinner, I had a Burger King (a HUGE one), a Fry Up and all manner of naughty foods. It's out of my system now. I have a nice clear week, I think... I've drawn a line under my weight gain and will be trying extra hard this week.

 Week 9 -1lb

I aimed to try harder this week, it was a tough start but alongside walking a lot more than usual I powered through with the healthy eating. Me and my boyfriend also went on a bike ride which was lovely. I tried the Slimming World chicken tikka masala too which I thought was really good. I also made a healthy vegan banana loaf which appeared a lot in my food diary this week!

Week 10 +0.5lbs

A reasonably clear week ahead of me, I thought this could go either way. I'd be lucky to lose weight but who knows. Apart from a couple of days where I didn't really stick to being 100% healthy, I pulled it around after the weekend. I've been doing Yoga this week too! Just beginners videos but I am feeling a difference in my core already.

Week 11 +3.5lbs

Well this week was my boyfriend's birthday and I hate to make excuses but I ordered him a massive cake and took him for dinner and breakfast too, chips at the seaside and more cake so I have admittedly indulged! But I enjoyed every bite. This has been a rubbish weight loss month! But I can continue to keep trying.

Total weight loss this month: +3.5.
Pounds to target: 15.

To see my entire food intake, you can visit my Instagram.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Easy Easter Treats – Marshmallow Bark

I saw something similar to this in Sainsbury’s and thought it would be simple enough to make my own version. The only thing about this that reminds me of Easter is the fact it’s chocolate and fun spring colours. This is super easy to make and very cheap too – what more can you want for a fun snack?! I suppose these are quite similar to Rocky Road actually!

Easter Bark Recipe

300g White chocolate
Mini Marshmallows
Easter/Coloured sprinkles or any fun decorations!

Easter Bark Recipe

Melt your chocolate – I did mine in the microwave for a couple of minutes and stirred through to ensure all the chunks had melted completely. Then add your marshmallows and stir them in to coat them in chocolate. Do not over-stir as the marshmallows will melt.

Easter Bark Recipe

Add your mixture to a dish/pan/whatever you like. Decorate the chocolate with sprinkles of your choice then put the mixture in the freezer to set for 20 minutes.

Once the mixture has set, remove from the freezer and chop up to your liking. You could even use easter themed cookie cutters for this, rabbit shaped ones would look awesome!

Easter Bark Recipe

Enjoy – and try not to eat them all at once!

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