Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Norwich Does Vintage - Open Norwich Event

I’ve never been to a vintage fair before but it is something I have always wanted to go along to. I recently found out about an event called ‘Norwich Does Vintage’, which is taking place this Saturday at OPEN in Norwich. For only £2 entry the event is open from 11am - 4:30pm and you can come and go as you please throughout the day. I will be heading to the fair to experience my first ever Vintage Norwich event!

Norwich Does Vintage offers authentic vintage and there will be many stalls available ranging from fashion to homewares. There will also be live music from Sarah Probert, a vintage tearoom with Artisan Pastry Chef, free vintage workshops including a super free vintage style cupcake decorating workshop with Sugar Buttons and a funky nail bar by Dotty Designs.

The event is hosted by Britain Does Vintage which puts on similar events around the country. Business owners Alex and Tom are really looking forward to building the Norwich fair up to be the go to event for people to come along to from far and wide. I am certainly looking forward to attending. Some of Norfolk’s finest traders will be showcased at the event and there is bound to be something for all customers. If you’re into vintage then it will definitely be worth popping in, with such a low entry fee you have nothing to lose!

For more information, check out the Norwich Does Vintage Facebook page,  or head over to the website. I can’t wait to tell you all about my experience.

Thank you to All You Need Is Love Photography for providing the photos used in this post.

Will I see you there?


Tuesday, 12 July 2016

The Royal Norfolk Show 2016

I am born and bred in Norfolk and I have never been to The Royal Norfolk Show can you believe?! It’s the UK’s largest two-day county show and aims to celebrate Norfolk’s heritage. Last year I went as a volunteer and thought it looked great but I was restricted to what I could do on site as I couldn’t gather freebies, make purchases or try the local delicacies in food and drink. This year I decided I wanted to go. The Norfolk Show ran for 2 days from Wednesday 29th June – Thursday 30th June and is around the same time every year. I decided I still wanted to volunteer so on the Wednesday I did that and scoped the place out ready to visit as a paying customer on the Thursday.

The gates open from 8am and I was keen to get there early. I don’t live too far away from the show but the traffic can get tedious! I contemplated walking but the Showground is a large area (I recently ran the race for life there) and from experience last year the miles walking around the show soon rack up! I chose to buy my tickets online at a discounted price. For the 2 of us plus parking came to £46, this would have been £60 if we paid on the day.

We arrived in good time, the traffic leading up to the show is a bit crazy and it did take us about 45 minutes to drive 3 miles but I was happy to arrive nice and early just after opening time. There is so much to see at the show from livestock to tractors, horse shows, flower shows and plenty of stalls offering freebies. My favourite place was the food hall! So many different delicious local food and drink items up for grabs! I brought my camera with me but forgot to take my memory card – blogger problems! Thankfully my boyfriend had his camera and took all of these lovely photos for me and let me borrow his camera when I saw something I liked.

As I mentioned before my favourite place was the food hall! There was cheeses, pork, chocolate, bread, brownies, drinks and everything and anything you can imagine. For lunch I decided to have something rather unhealthy from The Chocolate Fondue Company, a kebab stick with fresh strawberries and marshmallows soaked in melted milk chocolate and drizzled with white chocolate. The best £4 I have ever spent! Me and James also decided to get some Posh Pop drinks from Breckland Orchard, these were really refreshing and at 4 for £6 at the show, a great deal for such a great tasting treat.

We also had a look around all of the animal pens and saw pigs, sheep and cows. I loved looking at the pigs, pigs are great! We also watched a couple of the livestock shows that were going on throughout the day where they were judging sheep and cows. I felt like a proper Norfolk Bumpkin!

We wandered for around 7 miles in total, when my legs finally started to give up we had reached the flower show. I saw so many beautiful flowers and a large range of cactai (my favourite!). It was nice slowly wandering around and when we came to the end of the tent there was a cookery demonstration on. They were demonstrating how to make cakes and chocolates using a range of flowers in the ingredients such as lavender and hibiscus. Unfortunately we couldn’t stay to the end to have a taster as we had to leave, but they looked and smelled lovely!

Does your county have an annual show? Is this something you would go along to?

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