Friday, 7 October 2016

NCC Home Learning - Initial Thoughts on Criminal Psychology*

Having been out of education for 7 years now (wow, I feel old!) my mind is always craving to learn new things. Having a full time job, doing 50+ hours of volunteering a month and also keeping up to date with blogging means I am rather busy and haven’t ever considered further learning. When I was contacted by NCC Home Learning to trial one of their online learning courses I took the opportunity to try something new and push myself to engage my brain.

I chose the Criminal Psychology Diploma which looks into the mind of a criminal. I am very interested in the topic of crimes and after years of watching profilers on CSI and Criminal Minds, I couldn’t wait to get stuck in to the course. This particular course is 240 hours when studying online and I am now a couple of weeks into it. At the moment you can complete this course for only £270. So far I have read through and studied the first two topics which were Theories of Crime Psychological and Biological.

The website was really easy to navigate. As soon as I logged in my course list appeared and I simply clicked the Criminal Psychology tab. I could then click the introduction page which comes in PDF format. I am really impressed with the layout of the course on the website and it is easy to see what sections I need to read next and everything is split into modules. This course consists of 17 modules and then an exam. Studying can be done at my own pace. I found that the best way for me to study the modules was to print off each PDF and read them in the evenings, highlighting key pieces of information.

What I love about this course is that no previous knowledge is required so you can study this straight up if you like. I am not tied down by time either and can fit this in on an evening or even my lunch break, whenever I have a spare moment. I am really enjoying the course so far and look forward to completing it. At the end of the course I will receive a NCC certificate of completion.

I will update you on what I thought of the full course, in the meantime you can check out the fantastic range of courses available over on the NCC Home Learning website.

*I have received free access to this course in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own and I was not influenced in any way.

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