Thursday, 3 November 2016

Blogger Cocktail Masterclass - Warwick Street Social

A couple of weeks ago now I attended a blogger cocktail masterclass at Warwick Street Social in Norwich. Having never been to Warwick Street Social I was curious as to what it would be like, but looked forward to it all the same. The Norwich Bloggers who planned this event offered some spaces on a ticketed basis, I decided to buy a ticket and go along to have a fun night of socialising with likeminded people. 

I arrived at 7pm and met up with other bloggers Courteney, Kate, Amy, Amy, Lindsay, Sammi, Laura, Laura, and Shelley. The aim of the evening was to choose a cocktail that we could have at the Christmas Meal so we got to have a go at making 6 different drinks with the help of Scott. The first drink was a classic Mojito which was probably the simplest cocktail we made. This was ruled out early on as it just didn’t have that festive feel to it, although it did taste lovely. We then made a ‘bramble’ which is something I have never heard of before but it was lovely. The main part of this drink was gin, added with freshly squeezed lemon juice, sugar syrup and a fruit cordial, this was really nice. Me and Kate had a go at making this one and we both thought it was lovely, but again this did not have a Christmas feel to it.

Thirdly we made Pina Coladas, I love a creamy Pina Colada but this didn’t go down too well with the rest of the group. I think Pina Coladas are best served on the beach in a hot country, perhaps not alongside your turkey dinner. We then made a Smashing Pumpkin Fizz. This had pumpkin pureĆ© and Prosecco in so I couldn’t wait to try this. This would have been the perfect Halloween/autumn drink I think, it tasted great but just didn’t have that festive feel to it.

The final 2 cocktails were the most festive of the lot. Firstly the spiced gingerbread one, complete with gingerbread man. This just tasted of Christmas, it was delicious and perfectly spiced. The final cocktail was called Candy Cane, this had peppermint syrup, cranberry juice and strawberry vodka. It was so refreshing and will be served with a crushed candy cane sugar rimmed glass!

If you’d like to keep up to date with future Norwich Blogging events, follow the twitter page and keep an eye out for future events.


Monday, 30 May 2016

My Favourite Bloggers and Vloggers

I thought I would share with you today some of my favourite bloggers and vloggers. I follow loads of blogs and watch loads of vlogs but if I’ve had a busy week there are always a select few that I will catch up on first before reading or watching anything else. I am sure you will have probably heard of most of these as they’re not exactly obscure but for those of you that haven’t – why not give them a look? You may discover someone new yourself!

Brogan Tate Weekly Vlogs
Brogan is one of the realest youtubers I watch and her weekly vlogs posted every Monday are always worth watching. Brogan isn’t afraid to show the real things that are happening in her life. If she’s had a bad day, she’ll talk about it in her vlog. She doesn’t try to make our her life is 100% perfect which is what keeps her so relatable. When she cries in her vlogs you only have to check the comments to see that her viewers cry with her because it’s easy to become involved. I can relate to her because like me she has a full time job and vlogging/blogging is her hobby.

Helen Anderson Daily Vlogs
I first started watching Helen because my boyfriend who knew I liked watching vlogs suggested her to me. He works with someone in her band and had found out about her that way and I decided to look her up. I find Helen really relatable not only because we live in the same city but I can understand some of the things she is going through. She recently moved house which is something I am going through at the moment and it was really refreshing to see that she was having the same thoughts and feelings as me. It’s also been great to see the process unfold so I know what is to come and makes me really excited! She also has a main channel but my favourite videos are her daily vlogs. They’re just the right length, don’t ramble on and are very ‘real’. I’m secretly hoping we bump into each other on dog walks or something and our kids will go to the same school and we will become friends haha. A girl can dream..

Hannah Gale - Blog and Vlogs
Hannah is another blogger I follow who is reasonably local living in the next county across from me. I have been following her blog for a long time and love it when I receive an email saying she has done a new post. She has a way with words that makes you want to keep reading and when I first found her blog I spent hours reading through the archives (is that weird? Idk). She posts very real posts and writes about topics some of us wouldn’t even dare write about (for example a post about the contraceptive pill) and that’s why I love her blog. She isn’t afraid to say it how it is. Hannah also posts vlogs which I have been enjoying lately and it’s lovely to get to see snippets of someone’s life that you enjoy reading about. Her personal style and homeware options are goals and I will continue to keep reading and watching until I run out of money buying everything she recommends! 

Kim – Romanovs Views
Primarily a blogger, Kim’s progression over on her blog has become inspiring. She hasn’t been blogging that long but the progression in the quality of her photos has grown immensely. I am envious of her flatlays and the composition on her photos has come on leaps and bounds. I love reading her helpful posts, beauty reviews and most of all her monthly lookback posts. She deserves a lot more followers than she has! She’ll be vlogging when she heads to America this summer and I can’t wait to watch those.

Who are your favourite bloggers and vloggers? Leave me their links below - I love finding new people!

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