Sunday, 23 November 2014

Coffee Cake Recipe - Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas

Do you know any coffee lovers? Struggling to decide what to get them for Christmas? Why not make them some Coffee Cupcakes. I've made cupcakes so many times on this blog, and I am sure you're bored of hearing what recipe I use, so you can find the basic recipe here. I simply adapted this by adding a teaspoon of diluted coffee granules to the mix. These keep for a few days so you can prepare these a couple of days before Christmas if you wish and they should be good to go.

Coffee Cake Recipe
Coffee Cake Recipe

I used this roasted hazelnut flavour coffee which gave the cupcakes a really nice flavour. I also used a spoonful of this (diluted) into the buttercream, they were gorgeous.

Coffee Cake Recipe

Coffee Cake Recipe

I iced the cupcakes using my usual method. You can find a video tutorial for this over on my Youtube channel.

Coffee Cake Recipe

I added walnut halves to the top. Walnuts go great with coffee cakes, I chose to only add them to the top in case my recipient didn't like them and could then easily take it off.

Coffee Cake Recipe

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