Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Healthy Dog Food -*

Last month I was given the chance to try out some dog food from When I say try out, I mean give to my dog – not me! After featuring my cat in a few posts recently I thought it was only fair I featured one of my dogs too. I decided to choose Ruby as the test subject as she is the most fussy of my two dogs so I wanted to see if this was something she would like.

The website was fun and easy to use. It was very interactive and asked me about Ruby’s health, skin condition, age, weight and taste preferences. This took about 2 minutes to fill out. This then calculated that Ruby was allowed 35g of dry food a day. delivers tailor-made food which is blended to each dogs nutritional and dietary needs as every dog is different. It enables you to change the way your dog is fed for the better. For example, if your dog is older their metabolism will be slower and the amount of food they need will vary so that they don’t gain weight. offers exceptional quality at competitive prices. You can set up a direct debit so that new food is delivered exactly when you need it. Each bag of food comes with a really handy scoop which measures out the exact amount your dog needs each day. I thought this was a great idea and meant that I could be consistent with the portion sizes. The website also follows a sophisticated algorithm which accounts for each dog’s specific life-stage and every blend evolves over time to provide the optimum nutrition at every life-stage – meaning that as a dog changes, their food does too. This is something so unique and a brilliant idea to keep your dog happy and healthy throughout their entire lifespan.

Ruby was 14 years old this year and is a cross between a Jack Russell and a West Highland Terrier. We also have a 15 year old dog called Buster and as they are both considered elderly it’s nice to know we can give them the best foods towards the end of their lives and keep them healthy. Ruby doesn’t have long left unfortunately so we want to make her as happy as possible and the food from certainly did this. Ruby really enjoyed her blended sample and wouldn’t even let Buster near it! The scoop provided the optimum amount and Ruby wasn’t left hungry at the end of her meal. If even fussy Ruby likes the food then it must be good! Unfortunately the food cannot cure cancer which will get Ruby in the end, but I do feel as though it has made a difference in the short time we trialled the food. Ruby’s coat was shinier and healthier and she generally seemed to have a bit more energy which is good going for an old dog!

I would definitely recommend if you are looking for a custom created dog food that you know is full of healthy ingredients for your dog. The food contains 38% meat content, 3.4% fibre and 22.5% protein. It made Ruby a happy little dog and I would love to see all dogs as happy as she was.

If you would like a free trial of some custom made food for your dog, head over to and enter the code: TAILS_RUBY. What have you got to lose?

*I received this sample free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not influenced in any way. Please see my disclaimer for more information.
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