Tuesday, 18 April 2017

It's Pepper Time - Smoothie Recipes*

I recently got invited to take part in a Pepper Time Smoothie challenge and being a lover of smoothies I thought - why not give it a try? 'It's Pepper Time' is an EU funded initiative which promotes the use of peppers and I want to share with you how great peppers are.

When I first thought about the idea of having peppers in a smoothie, I did think it was a bit strange but when you think about it, why not? Peppers are deliciously sweet and are actually higher in vitamin C than oranges. Peppers are also packed with vitamins E, B1, B2 and A. They also come in a variety of colours and shapes and can be eaten at all times of the day, the pepper possibilities are endless. I  was given two recipe ideas for smoothie and I have made variations of these which you can read all about below. They were surprisingly tasty and something I will be making again and again! How about you give them a go?

Orange Vitamin Hit
2 Stalks of Celery
2 Large Carrots
2 Apples
1 Orange and 1 Yellow Bell Pepper

Pop all of the ingredients into a blender/juicer and mix until smooth.

Orange Pepper Smoothie
1 Orange Bell Pepper
200ml Cloudy Apple Juice
A Small Piece of Ginger

Pop all of the ingredients into a blender/juicer and mix until smooth.

Head over to the 'It's Pepper Time' website for more delicious recipe ideas. Will you be trying to incorporate more peppers into your daily routine?

*Collaborative Post

Monday, 5 January 2015

Healthy Smoothie Recipes! – Featuring Matcha Green Tea Powder*

It’s the first Monday of the new year, and I don’t know about you but today is the day that my diet officially re-starts. After a few unsightly weight gains over the past few weeks, I am definitely ready to get back on track.
One thing I love to drink to get me feeling healthy and refreshed is a good old smoothie. I have many favourites, but thought I would share with you a couple of the ones I love best.
Firstly, I would just like to mention the fact that I freeze most of my fruit. This is just so it lasts longer and I always have some in the freezer for when I want to make a quick smoothie, it’s all chopped and prepared.
For this smoothie I used pineapple, mango, banana, kale and one teaspoon of Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder topped up with water.
The Matcha provides 4 to 6 hours of mild steady energy as it acts as both a stimulant and a relaxant. This is ideal for focusing on whatever the day throws your way. I love using this in smoothies that I drink on the way to the gym as it gives me that boost that I need to keep pushing through my workout.

Organic Matcha Smoothie Recipe
   Organic Matcha Smoothie Recipe

You can also use 1 teaspoon of the Organic Matcha in a mug of boiling water to create the perfect Green Tea with amazing benefits and up to 137x the antioxidants of brewed green tea. I love how green this is - know what I mean? This tastes stronger than standard Green Tea I have tried in the past, but this isn't bitter and goes down really nicely.

Another smoothie I love is a berry themed smoothie so I will use whatever berries I can get my hands on. On this occasion I used frozen blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. To make this a bit creamier I added some natural fat free yoghurt and some water.

Blueberries contain antioxidants and give you a good dose of vitamin C. In my opinion, this smoothie is great for a hangover.

Berry Smoothie Recipe
Berry Smoothie Recipe
The organic matcha green tea powder can also be used for baking, I'd love to know if any of you guys have tried this and what you suggest I could use this for.

Please let me know if you’re interested in these types of posts, and I will continue to do them.
Matcha Green Tea Powder is available from Amazon here for £18.00 for 113g or you can visit the below links.

*The Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder was provided free of charge from Kiss Me Organics for the purposes of a review. All opinions are my own.
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