A couple of years ago now I wrote a post called "30 before 30" which was basically a list of all the things I wanted to do before I was 30. Now I am 30 I thought I could re-visit the post and see how many of them I achieved. It's amazing looking at the list and seeing what I wanted to do. There is so much more I have achieved that I didn't write down, for example having a baby!
1. Get married – should be pretty easy this one!
2. Go abroad with James, we have never had a holiday abroad with just the 2 of us.
Done – We headed to Rome in 2019 for our Honeymoon!
3. Finish decorating the house – Only the bathroom, kitchen, porch, hallway and spare rooms to go!
Wow - this didn't happen hah! We did get the spare room done for our baby however. Our Kitchen was supposed to be in process pre- Covid!
4. Sort the garden out to a reasonable state.
Jamed has done a good job of sorting one area of our garden out and it looks nice and tidy now complete with a new gate but there is still the larger section to go - but it's costly!
5. Host a garden party/BBQ – Could even be an idea for my 30th!
We had my Baby Shower at home in the summer of 2019 and it was actually lovely weather and a lot of people spilled into the garden which was nice. Obviously due to Covid this halted any 30th birthday plans for large groups!
6. Try a food challenge - you know like the giant burgers or eat 1200 chicken nuggets? Yeah I wanna attempt one of those.
Oh man I have not done this but I have eaten a lot of food in the last 2 years!
7. Run 100 parkruns. I have currently done 27 so only 73 to go in 100 weeks!
I only got up to 56 but I did have a baby so had a lot of weeks off running, and then Parkrun shut for a while. I hope to go back once it re-opens of course!
8. Run a marathon. At the start of the year I set myself the challenge of running a whole 5km without stopping and have already smashed that and ran 10km! So I would love to take part in a marathon before I am 30. I am doing a walking Marathon in a couple of months so to complete that will be fantastic.
I walked a marathon! Does that count? There is no way I would want to run a marathon, the more I think about it the more impossible it seems. I don't like running for that long! If I was faster maybe I would consider haha.
9. Run a half marathon – one step at a time hey!
Done – Run Windsor 2018, 4 weeks pregnant! Then I did the Norfolk Ringland Half Marathon in March this year, and have since ran another on my own.
10. Get a tattoo. I have no idea what, it’s just been so long I feel I need another.
Nope .. Fail!
11. See more of the UK. We have some amazing places right on our doorstep, I would love to travel more locally.
We became National Trust members so we have gone on a few trips locally which has been nice. If I had the money I would do more!
12. Read 30 books. I really got into reading last year but have completely slacked off after being put off by an awful book. I want to pick this up again.
I totally failed at this one too. I have joined a book club however and hope that this year I will be able to smash this target!
13. Host a dinner party.
We hosted Christmas - does that count?
14. Have Christmas at home.
See above - hah!
15. Try something different from my local Chinese. (you know instead of chicken balls, chow mein, chips and sweet and sour sauce)
I have branched out and tried Sczesan chicken, Cantonese style chicken, Crispy chilli Chicken.. Cripsy Chilli Beef, and a different curry! Wow I am adventurous.
16. Learn to Salsa. I have been attending Salsa classes recently but have no rhythm and would love to one day find that natural flow.
At the start of 2019 it just clicked for me and Sophie, my salsa partner. It may have had something to do with me becoming a ‘man’ and taking the lead role but we just knew what we were doing. Then I went on Maternity leave and all was forgotten.
17. Go glamping.
No :(
18. Finally get to my ideal target weight.
No :(.. but I had a baby!
19. Win at Bingo (I’ll even take £5, I just want to win!)
Still No!!!
20. Treat myself to one really expensive item of clothing or accessory.
Hmm.. no?!
21. Visit a cat café.
22. Get a new front door.
23. Own a houseplant that I don’t end up killing after a few months.
Yes!! I got an Orchid for my baby shower over a year ago and it's flowered again and still going strong. Proud plant mama.
24. Get a new pet. Ideally I would like another cat, but will settle for a goldfish if needed to complete the goal.
I got a baby does that count?
25. Continue blogging and get back into a consistent schedule.
No. Total fail.
26. Have an actual skincare routine – any tips?
Again .. no. I am lucky if my make-up gets taken off at all.
27. Cut my hair short again – currently I am growing it for the wedding but I want a really good chop after.
Literally as soon as Salons re-open I am chopping at least half of my hair off. It needs it so bad!
28. Learn to make pastry from scratch.
No.. why was this a goal??
29. Have the living room feel more homely.
It's full of baby toys and I never knew that was what was missing to make it feel more like a home.
30. Write a list of 40 things to do before I am 40!
So I don't have 40 things for my list but here are some off the top of my head. Let me know if you have anything on your bucket list?
Complete our family
Finish the house
Go on a family trip
Go to Disney World
Do Run Disney
Get a Half Marathon PB
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